Grad Clubs & Organizations


Student Activities Office

"The Student Activities Office strives to enhance the overall educational experience of students and serves the campus community through development of, exposure to, participation in, and assistance with intellectual, spiritual, cultural, recreational, social, leadership, and employment opportunities. The Office also fosters an environment which values differences, the freedom of expression and the holistic development of students."

Graduate Student Government

"The Graduate Student Government (GSG) exists to improve the quality of life for all graduate students at the University, both in the classroom, laboratory, and library and in everyday life. Through the planning and support of the council, the GSG endeavors to enhance the quality of graduate education and your experience at the University."

Be your own advocate – join a GSG committee! GSG has nine committees addressing a wide range of issues important to Notre Dame graduate students. From health care to technology, from social events to general quality of life, these committees strive to improve services, resources, and programs for all grad students – and any grad student can join! Joining a committee not only allows you to advocate for your concerns, it will introduce you to other students with similar interests and provide opportunities for leadership development.

Notre Dame Graduate Clubs

Graduate students can join any club on campus, see a full list of clubs on SAO's website.

Special Interest Clubs

Africa Graduate Club (AGC)

AGC is a student-led club with a network of graduate students from Africa and those interested in Africa at the University of Notre Dame. The Club's vision is to create community, enhance collaboration amongst stakeholders, deepen Notre Dame's impact on the African continent, and extend Africa-focused initiatives in diverse fields. One approach to realize this vision is to foster professor-student relationships at Notre Dame, as well as external partnerships, through regular networking, professional events, and information exchange centered on Africa. You can learn more about our passion and activities here.

Anthropology Graduate Student Anti-Racism Club (AGS-ARD)

The goals of the AGS-ARG are: 1) Foster and promote an actively anti-racist community within the anthropology department and the University of Notre Dame, 2) Foster critical dialogue regarding racism and how to be actively anti-racist, 3) Expand anthropological thought to other disciplines through the promotion of anti-racist agendas, 4) Actively dismantle false ideas about race, and to remove system barriers in our discipline, 5) Commit to learning from, listening to, and centering communities of color, 6) Foster collegiality, inclusivity, and ally ship within the department, 7) Ensure that POC, LGBTQ and members of underrepresented groups feel welcome and valued within our department, 8) Center marginalized voices within our research, education, and profession, 9) Provide opportunities for social interactions among graduate students. Email to learn more.

AMEC Hunger Fighter Networks at ND (AMFIND)

The purpose of AMFIND is to inspire and foster the connection between graduate students at Notre Dame and the local community and charities in South Bend. AMFIND will work toward its goal by setting up volunteer networks among graduate students in different laboratories and departments, operating semester-based parallel food drives among graduate students and other charity events, and creating opportunities for student from the graduate school to volunteer at local charities for food. For more information, please contact us at

Association for Women in Science (AWIS)

The Association for Women in Science Notre Dame Chapter (AWIS-ND) is a graduate student organization that initiates, encourages, and engages women in STEM in a welcoming and supportive environment, creating a sense of belonging and providing opportunities for success. Visit the AWIS-ND website for further information about AWIS-ND, upcoming events, and how to become a member. For more information, please contact us at

Bangladeshi Students Association of Notre Dame (BDSA-ND)

The purpose of BDSA-ND shall be to foster/support Bangladeshi students and scholars here at the University of Notre Dame by coordinating/organizing cultural, social, and professional development projects. BDSA-ND will work toward its goals by: A) promoting Bangladeshi/Bengali culture, heritage to the ND community, B) promoting ND graduate opportunities to potential candidates in Bangladesh, C) providing support to incoming Bangladeshi graduate students and scholars with resources to navigate their graduate/professional life at Notre Dame and help their transition into a new culture effortlessly, D) encouraging members to familiarize or integrate with the local community or culture. For more information, please contact us at

Black Graduate Student Association (BGSA)

The purpose of the Black Graduate Student Association is to promote social & cultural cohesion, establish unity among ourselves, support the expansion of cultural diversity through recruitment and retention efforts and to ensure academic and structural support within ourselves and between our fellow educational peers. For more information, please contact us at

Book Club

The purpose of Book Club is to explore great books in the disciplines of humanities and sciences and foster a vibrant and inclusive intellectual community. For more information, please contact us at

Expanding Your Horizons (EYH)

The purpose of EYH is to provide Notre Dame students an opportunity to encourage middle school girls to pursue science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) fields. EYH will work toward its goals by coordinating with local middle schools, girl scout troops, and other outreach programs to reach the greatest number of middle school girls in the area, reaching out to local women in STEM fields that can act as empowering role models and lead exiting hands-on workshops, and creating several collaborations with various STEM departments across campus, local industry partners, and internal programs at Notre Dame.

Film Lovers of International Cinema (FLIC)

The purpose of FLIC shall be to foster development of film analysis, appreciation, and connection with the broader social justice mission of the University through the coordination of educational viewings of important classic and current international cinema that open horizons for students and faculty to see the world through diverse perspectives. FLIC will work toward its goals by: A) coordinating a series of film viewings across campus for members in order to create a community of film lovers across the Notre Dame campus, B) organizing film discussions after viewings to analyze and engage with the topics and themes of the various films, C) create a space for university students from different parts of the university to encounter each other, share their different disciplinary and personal perspectives and create a diverse community within the Notre Dame community which sees everyone and learns from each other. To learn more or join us email

Graduate Consulting Club of Notre Dame (NDGCC)

NDGCC abides by its mission of educating its members about the consulting industry, connecting them with consulting firms for recruiting purposes, and preparing its members for success during the networking and interview process. For more information, please contact us at

Graduate Students Against Racial Injustice at Notre Dame (GS-ARIND)

The goals of GS-ARIND are: 1) Foster safer, more inclusive communities at the University for people from historically excluded groups through collective action. 2) Create a support network of graduate students and postdocs for issues relating to systemic and individual racism that collaborates with and amplifies work from undergraduate, staff, and faculty efforts. 3) Increase awareness of anti-racism practices in the general campus community and dismantle racist institutions in our departments, colleges, and wider campus. 3A) Develop cultural competency among graduate students to help recognize the ways in which we perpetuate systemic racism. 4) Increase outreach between Notre Dame and marginalized South Bend communities, foster relationships with existing organizations (BLM, etc.). Email for more information.

Joggers Organization for Graduate Socialization (JOGS)

JOGS seeks to create a relaxed running community that will promote health, well-being, and exercise to the often stressed population of graduate students and postdoctoral fellows. Running races and training is merely a way to galvanize relationship-building. We aim to foster a strong inter-departmental network of post-doctoral researchers and graduate students that enables potential academic collaboration and friendships. Finally, as a jogging group we will select at least one race per semester that as a club we will train together for and then race. We will train together as a group at least once per week, not segregated based on gender or ability, therefore fostering the training journey. For more information, please contact us at

Latinx Graduate Association of Notre Dame (LGAND)

The purpose of the Latinx Graduate Association of Notre Dame is to build community and foster inter-cultural dialogue among Latinx graduate students, Latino Studies graduate students, and all interested Notre Dame graduate students who wish to participate. For more information, please contact us at

Science Policy Initiative (SPI)

The Science Policy Initiative at ND seeks to engage students at the University of ND in issues at the intersection of science and public policy. We will unite students who have a passion for science and a desire to affect policy change, and work to communicate the value of scientific research to society at large. For more information, please contact us at

Religious Clubs

Adventist Christian Fellowship at ND (ACF)

The purpose of the Adventist Christian Fellowship at Notre Dame is to gather as Seventh-Day Adventist students at the University of Notre Dame in a space for fellowship and spiritual growth, provide service to the South Bend community, educate others on the spiritual benefits of daily health practices, and encourage members from day to day and to keep them informed on recent activity that concerns the Seventh-Day Adventist Church. For more information, please contact us at

Catholic Graduate Community

The purpose of the CGC is to provide a friendly social and intellectual forum for Catholics, other Christians, and persons of good will, to meet, exchange and discuss ideas, and acquire a deeper understanding of the Catholic philosophical and theological heritage, especially in light of Christian Revelation, the traditions and teachings of the Catholic Church, and the tenets promulgated by Ex Corde Ecclesiae. For more information, please email us at

Research Interest Clubs

ACMS Student Organization (SIAM)

The SIAM Student Chapter will primarily serve the University of ND community under the Applied & Computational Mathematics & Statistics Dept. However, membership will be open to any graduate and undergraduate student of the University of ND as well as Holy Cross Colleges, especially those in STEM fields. For more information, please contact us at

Biophysical Society Student Chapter of Notre Dame

The purpose of BPSND shall be to foster leadership and professional development of students whose research and interests fall at the intersection of biology, biochemistry, math, and physics through the coordination of educational and awareness projects. BPSND will work toward its goals by: 1) promoting professional development of club members and the student body, 2) creating a mentorship program between incoming students and current student leaders, 3) fostering interdepartmental membership, 4) promoting biophysics through seminars, community outreach, and related events. For more information email us at

Biology Graduate Student Organization (BGSO)

The goals of Biology Graduate Student Organization are to provide a forum for expression of student opinion; to provide a mechanism for discussion and enactment of student decisions; to provide opportunities for social interactions among graduate students; to foster social, intellectual and institutional links with faculty; and to promote social, institutional and intellectual links with graduate students in other departments. Visit our website or contact us at for more information.

Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering Graduate Student Organization

The purpose of CBEGSO shall be to encourage personal, social, and professional development through academic, departmental, industry, and member interaction. CBEGSO will work toward its goals by (but not limited to): A. fostering intradepartmental communication and collaboration with current students and alumni, B. hosting academic, professional, and social events for graduate students within the Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering department, C. partnering with other university resources, such as the Graduate Student Union and Graduate Career Services, to further this organization’s interests, and D. assisting with the department-led recruitment and orientation of new (incoming) graduate students. For more information, please email us at

Chemistry Graduate Student Organization (CGSO)

The goals of the CGSO are: 1) To provide a forum for chemistry graduate students to express their opinions; 2) To ensure that graduate students are treated fairly by the Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry and Notre Dame; 3) To promote the improvement of the chemistry graduate program at Notre Dame; 4) To improve the social environment of the chemistry department at Notre Dame; 5) To create and support events that promote academic and professional development; 6) To foster social, intellectual, and institutional links with faculty; 7) To promote social, intellectual, and institutional links with graduate students within Notre Dame (via Graduate Student Government) and across the US (via other organizations aligned with the American Chemical Society); 8) To encourage diversity in the Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry. For more information, please email us at

Computer Science & Engineering Graduate Student Organization

The purpose of the club is to connect the graduate students in the department better by building a community, improve the quality of graduate student life by: A. identifying problems and implementing solutions, B. support students in their professional development, and C. encourage students to make friends in the department by interspersing the academic semesters with events. For more information, please email us at

Earthquake Engineering Research Institute

The objective of this chapter is to encourage student interest in the advancement of the science and practice of earthquake engineering and the solution of national earthquake engineering problems in order to protect people and property from the effects of earthquakes and to develop an awareness of EERI, and EERI Chapters with consensus procedures by which EERI operates. Visit our website, and for more information, please contact us at

Electrochemical Society Student Chapter of Notre Dame (ECSND)

The purpose of ECSND shall be to benefit the Notre Dame electrochemical research community by enriching its collective knowledge of electrochemistry and electrochemical engineering, promoting coordination and networking amongst its constituents, and serving as a resource for professional development for successful careers in electrochemical science beyond Notre Dame. ECSND will work toward its goals by: A) coordinating a regular series of presentations to share the latest developments of electrochemical research at Notre Dame, B) facilitating meetings and discussion to support internal collaborations and strong professional relationships within the Notre Dame electrochemical research community, C) inviting speakers from industry and academia to share opportunities and knowledge on the latest developments in electrochemical science. Email for more information.

Electron Microscopy Club

The purpose of the Electron Microscopy Club (NDEMC) is to advance knowledge of theory and practice of electron microscopy techniques. The NDEMC will work toward this by sharing techniques between graduate students, post-docs, faculty, and staff; holding regular meetings to discuss state and operation equipment; promoting advanced understanding through seminars; and helping new users learn the principles of operation of the instrument. For more information, please contact us at

English Graduate Association of Notre Dame

The purpose of EGSA shall be to foster community, to advocate on behalf of graduate students and foster collegiality and inclusivity, and to provide academic, professional, and social support for graduate students in the Department of English at the University of Notre Dame. EGSA will accomplish these goals through social, academic, and professional development events, as well as periodic outreach and fundraising events. To learn more email us at

Graduate Theological Society of the University of Notre Dame

To learn more email us at

Integrated Biomedical Sciences Graduate Student Organization

The goals of the IBMS-GSO are: 1. To provide a forum for expression of student opinion; 2. To provide a mechanism for discussion and enactment of student decisions; 3. To provide opportunities for social interactions among graduate students; 4. To foster interpersonal, intellectual, and institutional links with faculty. For more information, please contact us at

SPIE (International Society for Optics and Photonics) at Notre Dame

The purpose of SPIE is to promote the discipline of Optical Science and Engineering through the organized effort of this group in study, and research; to disseminate knowledge on the field of Optical Engineering; and to help the career development of the student members. For more information, please contact us at