Service & Engagement

Why Service?

Concern for the common good forms a vital component of the mission of the University of Notre Dame. And engaging in service to others is linked to positive physical and emotional health outcomes such as increased resilience and decreased anxiety. Graduate students of every discipline who are interested in serving within the community during their academic career will find many opportunities related to their interests within the greater South Bend area. 


Center for Social Concerns

"The Center for Social Concerns (CSC) provides community-based learning courses, community-based research, and service opportunities for students and faculty and lies at the heart of the University of Notre Dame. It is a place where faith and action, service and learning, research and resolve intersect. Over the past 29 years, the Center has offered educational experiences in social concerns inspired by Gospel values and the Catholic social tradition so that students and faculty may better understand and respond to poverty and injustice."


Campus Resources and Training Programs

GreeNDot Bystander Training

GreeNDot is a violence prevention strategy predicated on the belief that individual safety is a community responsibility and not just that of the victim or perpetrator. The goal of greeNDot is to attract a force of engaged and proactive bystanders campus-wide to communicate that violence will not be tolerated in our community and that everyone has a responsibility to help.

UCC Refer a Friend or Student

Notre Dame's University Counseling Center is here to help you help others. If you know someone who is in distress, check out these resources for referral information and other resources.


Graduate Service Clubs

Expanding Your Horizons

The purpose of EYH is to provide Notre Dame students an opportunity to encourage middle school girls to pursue science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) fields. EYH will work toward its goals by coordinating with local middle schools, girl scout troops, and other outreach programs to reach the greatest number of middle school girls in the area, reaching out to local women in STEM fields that can act as empowering role models and lead exiting hands-on workshops, and creating several collaborations with various STEM departments across campus, local industry partners, and internal programs at Notre Dame.

Science Policy Initiative

The Science Policy Initiative at ND seeks to engage students at the University of ND in issues at the intersection of science and public policy. We will unite students who have a passion for science and a desire to affect policy change, and work to communicate the value of scientific research to society at large. For more information, please contact us at

AMEC Hunger Fighter Networks at ND (AMFIND)

The purpose of AMFIND is to inspire and foster the connection between graduate students at Notre Dame and the local community and charities in South Bend. AMFIND will work toward its goal by setting up volunteer networks among graduate students in different laboratories and departments, operating semester-based parallel food drives among graduate students and other charity events, and creating opportunities for student from the graduate school to volunteer at local charities for food. For more information, please contact us at