Writing Resources

Dsc 0011

Resources from Grad Life

ABD to PhD Coaching Group

ABD to PhD provides coaching and community for students facing the difficulties of completing their dissertation.

Writing Accountability Groups

Join a Writing Accountablity Group to receive feedback, support, and accountability from fellow students for meeting your writing goals. Register your own group or join an existing one, and Grad Life will provide a small stipend to help pay for drinks and snacks.


University Resources

Writing Center

The Writing Center is here to help you with your writing projects, and we know there's a lot in graduate school! You can schedule a one-on-one consultation today with a trained writing consultant. The Writing Center also has services tailored specifically to Graduate and Postdoctoral Scholars including consultations with read-aheads, summer courses, and teaching consultations.

The Presenter Center

The Presenter Center offers free, one-on-one consultations with individuals or groups giving presentations in any setting, from classes to conferences, and for any purpose, from business pitches to wedding toasts. From beginning an outline of your speech to putting the final touches on your presentation, the Presenter Center is available to assist you in the creative process of presenting your work.

Thesis & Dissertation Camp

The Hesburgh Libraries proudly offers a research and writing program co-sponsored with the University Writing Center and the Graduate School. The purpose of the camp is to help scholars focus on their own research and writing as they work toward completion of their dissertation or thesis.


Other Resources

Have a great writing resource you think we should share? Email gradlife@nd.edu and we will add it to our list!

Purdue OWL

You may be familiar with Purdue OWL from undergrad, but, if you're not, Purdue OWL is a great resource for general writing and grammar. Additionally, Purdue OWL is a great resource for citation and formatting guidelines from MLA to APA and everything in between.